
10 bit中文是什么意思

  • 十进位



  • 例句与用法
  • Dvi lvds 10 bit supported portable video signal generator
  • Is represented by the intermediate 10 bits
  • 10 bits for page global directory
  • 10 bits for page middle directory
  • Supports 7 and 10 bit addressing mode
  • 10 bits for page table
  • In the design , a gradient - error and endge - effect tolerant switching scheme for 10 bit dac is presented . we explain how to select the dimension of the unit current source transistor and why this scheme has those properties and how to construct it
  • We also store several images on the same spot with reference beams of different directions ( peristeophic multiplexing ) , when each hologram is separated by 15 , the crosstalk noise decreases greatly , the storage density can be obtained 10 bits / cm finally
    我们还进行了在光刻胶上的旋转复用存储实验,在15度的角度下,复用的图像的交叉干扰大大降低。实际的存储密度达到10 ~ 7bits cm ~ 2 。
  • The mcu of system is the tms320f240 dsp chip produced by ti company . it can put out six ways pwm signal , with ( 10 bits ) a / d , detecting the signal of motor rotor position and phase compensating , the control of closed _ loop speed and stably switch form step _ off to step _ on of bldcm
    系统中采用ti公司的tms320f240系列dsp芯片作为微处理器,可以方便的输出6路pwm信号、实现( 10位) a d转换、完成电机转子位置信号的检测与相位补偿、对系统进行速度闭环控制以及实现无位置传感器bldcm从外同步向内同步的平稳切换。
  • This card largely depends on three integrate chips to fulfill its function : 1 ) nic control main chip , corresponding the mac sublayer of ethernet , to realize csma / cd media access protocol , manage the sending and receiving buffers integrated on the chip and provide motherboard pci interface . 2 ) serdes ( serializing and deserializing ) chip , corresponding pcs and pma sublayers in ethernet , mainly to complete 8b / 10b coding and convert 10 bits parallel data to serial data , and convert them again at the receiving end . 3 ) fibre transceiver unit , completing light - electrical conversion of seri
    该网卡主要由3块集成的芯片完成其功能,分别是i )网络控制主芯片,对应于以太网的mac子层,主要完成csmaicd介质访问协议,管理片上集成的发送和接收缓冲区,并提供和主板p0总线的接口: b ) s rd s (串行解串行化器)芯片,对应于以太同的pcs和pma子层,主要完成sb lob编码并将10位并行的数据转换为串行数据,在接收端完成相反的功能:涌)光纤收发器,完成串行数据的光电转换功能。
  • 推荐英语阅读
10 bit的中文翻译,10 bit是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译10 bit,10 bit的中文意思,10 bit的中文10 bit in Chinese10 bit的中文10 bit怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
